“Apres 12 ans travail chez lameme entreprise, c’etait un grand defit de rechercher du travail. SCC m’a aide beaucoup pour me preparer pour ce defti. Nous avons evalue mon carriere et discute ce que je veux comme travail, nous avons etablit une strategie, nous avons adapte mon CV et mes lettres de motivation et ils m’ ont donne plein de conseil. Ils etaient un support extra-ordinaire!!! – Karen'”
“Coaching a person during the very frustrating job search process is no easy task. I was pleasantly surprised by how much more enjoyable and rewarding the whole process has become with the help of SCC. My SCC partner took the time to get to know what makes me tick, my hot buttons and my dreams. I felt that my coach was fully invested and committed to my success and I could rely on her to help me prepare even for my toughest interviews. SCC built a relationship with me that extended beyond Switzerland and through my maternity leave. They understood how to work with me while I was in London and after I moved to Switzerland, during my maternity leave, I was so grateful to have their help as I navigated through the challenges of the Swiss job search. Now, at the end of the process, I not only have a job that I am very excited about, I also feel that I know myself better and that I am clearer about my future direction. Thank you, SCC! – Maria”
“Dans une relation de confiance, où l’objectif est réaliste et l’écoute est présente en tout temps, j’ai décroché un excellent tremplin pour notre nouvelle vie en famille en Suisse. Merci! – Cécile”
“J’étais très motivée et fière de faire cette analyse sur moi-même, alors je me suis laissée prise au jeu. La confiance établie avec votre consultante dès le premier entretien m’a permis de faire une analyse très précise et critique de ma situation. Elle a soutenu mes décisions tout en me faisant de nouvelles propositions pour m’ouvrir de nouveaux horizons maintenant ou pour plus tard. – Marie-Reine”
“Grâce à l’accompagnement professionnel et emphatique offert par SCC, j’ai pu optimaliser la période de transition liée à l’expatriation pour me réorienter professionnellement, me recréer un certain réseau professionnel et rebondir vers une vie active palpitante. Pour cela, je remercie l’équipe de SCC et lui souhaite plein succès dans ses prochains accompagnements. – Monique”
“I was able to find a position that fits well with my skills and interests. I was also able to explore the possibility of my own business and have a better understanding of what I need to do to make that successful. I very much appreciated my coach’s advice and direct approach! She was very honest about what was realistic and what I needed to do to be successful. – Paul”
“Professional coaching enabled me to reach new challenging career perspectives which I would probably not thought I could achieve with no support. Also gave me the confidence I can do it and stick to it as it requires further training. It has overall given me hope that my career does not need to end once I had children, but more that my new career is going to come and balance out my family life. So in brief coaching for me achieved all the goals I had set for myself and removed the anxiety of the unknown I had for some years now…”what now?” – Marlene”
“SCC provided a very comprehensive and personalised service which provided great assistance in my job search and my transition to life in Switzerland. The consultants were very knowledgeable, and motivated to help in any way possible. – Andrew”
“My experience with SCC was a short collaboration but helpful as I could benefit of good advices on how to focus my research, how to prepare my interviews, how to make a choice! Thanks ! – Estelle”
“I started with a great desire to put myself into question. I was ready to change or implement things and knowledge that I was missing. After the first meeting I had an emotional breakdown, I thought that it had no opportunity to enter into the world of work in Geneva, but I was wrong. My coach was encouraging me to look at in me and seek my strengths. At the second meeting I was highly motivated and confident that I could do it. And after a few days I had a job interview. I prepared it with my coach and it is going very well. – Marianna”
“The Spouse Career Center gave me the tools, attitude and confidence I needed to land my dream job. The SCC goes above and beyond helping you find a job, they go out of their way to help you integrate into a Swiss lifestyle and create a positive atmosphere for you to thrive in! – Patricia”
“A helping hand when venturing in job applications in a new country. – Sue”
“J’ai eu une grande expérience avec mon coach qui a compris ma situation et a su répondre à mes attentes, et une expérience complémentaire intéressante avec les autres consultants, merci et bonne continuation – Valérie”
“SCC was a very personable and friendly service who were willing to understand you and your background and what you want to achieve. I would recommend to others. – Lisa”
“I had very nice and supporting talks that help me to get back on track after receiving many negative answers to job applications. – Anne-Marie”
“Spouse Career Centre m’a permis de faire le point sur ma situation professionnelle et familiale tout en valorisant les deux, de me familiariser avec les méthodes de recrutement suisses et de rechercher un emploi beaucoup plus sereinement. – Caroline”
“I am very satisfied with the SCC personal coaching sessions. After a careful self assessment I got invaluable information on the Swiss job market that brought me a contract in less than three months! – Elizabeth”
“SCC m’a offert un grand appui et aide dans la recherche d’emploi. Grace à ses services de haute qualité et efficacité, où tout le programme se déroule dans l’ambiance très cordiale, humaine, aujourd´hui je peux m’épanouir professionnellement et je me sens très satisfaite d’avoir pu réaliser le programme avec SCC. – Katia”
“All in all I feel that the course has been a great help to me. My Coach is very easy to work with and has excellent knowledge in terms of producing tailor made CV’s. I will be recommending your services to others in the future. – James”